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unified/ban V3 license​

unified/ban V3 is provided with Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0)

unified/ban V4 license​

unified/ban V4 is provided with fabricator's AGPLv3 and additional terms. The file content should always be:

unified/ban - Management and protection systems


© fabricators SRL, ,

unified/ban is provided under AGPL v3 with modified Section 7. In accordance
with Section 7 of the AGPL, the Works included in this package or repository
(excluding 3rd party Software), are subject to the following additional terms:

You cannot remove any unified/ban and/or fabricator's logo or branding either
from source code or user interface and/or any other interface that can be publicly
seen by end user. No other brands, trade names, trademarks or service marks
may be used for derivative products.
All names, links and logos of unified/ban and/or fabricator's must be kept as
in original distribution without any changes in all software screens
(including console and file logs, dashboard, software header etc). There are tight
and enforcing restrictions on your ability to modify, change or remove
unified/ban and/or fabricator's names and logos from unified/ban software.

If you use this source code, even partially, for your commercial purposes:
- you must clearly declare it and reference our GitHub Organization (on websites,
blog posts,media, newsletter, etc.)
- you can't replicate our services with the sole scope of competition
- you can't convey a services/products declaring it as base of our services/products

It is strictly forbidden to convey a product/service based on this source code
replacing the license terms partially and/or completely.

For more information, see Licensing FAQ:

while the header of the source files should always be:

unified/ban - Management and protection systems

© fabricators SRL, ,

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License with our addition
to Section 7 as published in unified/ban's the GitHub repository.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License and the
additional terms along with this program.
If not, see <>.

For more information, see Licensing FAQ: