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fabricator's license FAQ

General concepts (ref. AGPLv3)​

The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source form of a work.

What is the fabricator's license?​

It is an AGPLv3 license with additional terms for the specific project.

Can I use your software that has the fabricator's license?​

Yes, you can, respecting what is defined in the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPLv3) plus the additional terms provided with the software you want to use. It is always strictly forbidden to convey a product/service based on our source code replacing the license terms partially and/or completely.

Can I use software, with your license, for commercial purpose?​

Yes, it doesn't matter the type of organization you are. AGPLv3 license allows commercial, non-commercial, educational, etc. usages. We set additional terms as follows:

If you use our source code, even partially, for your commercial purposes:

  • you must clearly declare it and reference our GitHub Organization (on websites, blog posts,media, newsletter, etc.)
  • you can't replicate our services with the sole scope of competition
  • you can't convey a services/products declaring it as base of our services/products

Can I modify the source code of software having your license?​

Yes, you can modify the source code provided that you comply with the AGPLv3 license. This means that your modifications should be opened and published (publicly) under the same license. The easiest way to do that is to create a fork of our GitHub repositories. Feel free to send us a pull request if you think that your modification can be useful for other people.

Can I remove your branding?​

All the software provided with fabricator's license are denying that. You cannot remove any fabricatir's, or its products, branding. No other brands, trade names, trademarks or service marks may be used for derivative products as specified in our license. All names, links and logos must be keps as in original distribution without any change in all software code and screens (including console and file logs, dashboard, software header, etc.). There are tight and enforcing restrictions on your ability to modify, change or remove fabricator's (and its products) names and logos from the software.

fabricator's license is not suitable for my purpose. Is there any other licensing model?​

Feel free to contact us explaining your needs and we'll evaluate a solution together.