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Welcome Message

The bot can show a welcome message to every new user who joins your group.

The welcome message can integrate an interactive keyboard with customizable buttons.


All administrators in your group and unified/ban operators can perform this command.


/setwelcome {text}


  • {text} is the message we want to show to the new user. This field supports HTML with \n as line break.

Some variables can be used in {text} to obtain dynamic messages:

  • {{from_username}} the username of the new user
  • {{from_first_name}} the first name of the new user
  • {{from_last_name}} the last name (if set) of the new user
  • {{chat_title}} the name of your group


We want to just say hello to the new user:

/setwelcome Hi, {{from_username}}! Welcome to {{chat_title}}!


To disable the welcome message, type /config in your group and disable the WelcomeMessage option. The same operation can be performed from the Dashboard.

For developers​

This command is defined in the file /Bot/Command/SetWelcome.cs.

Welcome buttons​

We can add custom buttons to the welcome message. This can be done via the /addwelcomebutton command.


/addwelcomebutton {button_name} {button_link}


  • {button_name} is the text displayed on button
  • {button_link} is the link where the button points to


We want to display a button that point to our Network channel:

/addwelcomebutton Network


To remove a button from the welcome message, just use the /removewelcomebutton:

/removewelcomebutton {button_name}

List all buttons​

We can use the /welcomebuttons command to display a list with all buttons:


For developers​

This command is defined in the file /Bot/Command/AddWelcomeButton.cs.