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Notes can be used to store big texts, links and other stuff in simple hashtag. Then just type the hashtag to print the content inside it.


All administrators in your group and unified/ban operators can perform this command.


/addnote {hashtag} {text}


  • {hashtag} it is the hashtag that must be called to print the content
  • {text} the note body (text, links …). New lines are allowed.

We can store multiple notes in one hashtag, just use the same hashtag with different contents.

In v2 we used the /setnote command, in the current version this has been kept as an alias to te new command. We discourage using it as it will be removed in future versions.


We want to store the phrase I'm a good boy in a note with the #goodboy hashtag:

/addnote #goodboy I'm a good boy

Now we want to store another note in the same hashtag:

/addnote #goodboy You are a good boy

By sending the hashtag as a message, the bot will return both notes.


To remove a specific note, you need to use the /removenote replying to a note:


the bot will automatically recognize the unique id of the note and will proceed removing.

Caution, only the note in response will be removed, not all those with the same hashtag.

List all notes​

In the current version is not possible to print a list with all notes. There is an issue opened to implement this feature Issue #53.

For developers​

This command is defined in the file /Bot/Command/AddNote.cs.